
Maintenance and Care Tips for Antique Brass Cabinet Knobs

Arpita Mathur 06 May, 2023

When storing antique brass cabinet knobs, keeping them in a dry and cool place is essential. Store them in a box or container with soft fabric to prevent scratches or damage.

Antique brass cabinet knobs can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room. However, they require proper care and maintenance to preserve their beauty and functionality. Here are some tips to help you care for your antique brass cabinet knobs and keep them looking their best:


Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the shine and lustre of your antique brass cabinet knobs. Dust and dirt can accumulate on the surface and make the knobs look dull and faded. You can use a soft cloth dampened with warm water and mild detergent to clean them. Gently wipe the knobs in a circular motion and dry them with a clean cloth.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Antique brass is a delicate material easily damaged by harsh chemicals. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or polishes that can scratch or tarnish the surface of your cabinet knobs. Instead, opt for mild solutions that are specifically designed for cleaning brass.

Apply Wax

Applying wax to your antique brass cabinet knobs can help protect them from tarnishing and oxidation. Apply a slight polish to a soft cloth and gently rub it onto the knobs. Buff them with a clean cloth to remove any excess wax. Beeswax is an excellent choice as it provides a natural protective layer that prevents moisture and air from coming into contact with the metal.

Handle with Care

Antique brass cabinet knobs are delicate and should be handled with care. Avoid using excessive force when turning them, as this can damage the mechanism and loosen the knob. If you notice any looseness, tighten the screws that hold the knob in place or seek professional help to avoid causing any damage.

Store Properly

Proper storage is essential to protect your antique brass cabinet knobs from damage. Store them in a dry, cool place without exposure to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Avoid storing them with other metal objects that can scratch or damage the surface.

How to Clean Antique Brass Cabinet Knobs

Antique brass cabinet knobs can accumulate dirt and grime over time, affecting their appearance. Here are some steps to follow for cleaning your antique brass cabinet knobs:

It is recommended to clean your antique brass cabinet knobs at least once a month. Additionally, avoid using abrasive or scratchy materials such as steel wool or rough sponges to clean the knobs, as they can cause scratches and permanent damage to the brass surface.

Tips for Storing Antique Brass Cabinet Knobs

Avoid storing antique brass cabinet knobs in areas with high humidity or extreme temperatures, as these conditions can cause tarnishing and corrosion. Suppose you notice cracks, dents, or scratches on your antique brass cabinet knobs. In that case, it is best to replace them immediately to prevent further damage and ensure the safety and functionality of your furniture piece. Moreover, regular inspection of antique brass cabinet knobs should be done to ensure that your antique cabinet knobs remain in excellent condition; it is essential to inspect them regularly for any signs of damage or wear. It is also recommended to consult with a professional antique restorer if you are unsure how to care for your antique brass cabinet knobs properly or have any concerns about their condition or value. Remember always to handle them carefully and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.


Antique brass cabinet knobs are beautiful and valuable pieces that require proper care and maintenance to preserve their beauty and functionality. Regular cleaning, avoiding harsh chemicals, applying wax, handling with care, and adequate storage are essential tips to keep them looking their best for years.

Properly caring for your antique brass cabinet knobs is essential to maintain their beauty and functionality. Following these tips ensures that your antique brass cabinet knobs remain a valuable and beautiful addition to your furniture collection. If you are unsure about the best practices for cleaning or storing your antique brass cabinet knobs, do not hesitate to seek professional advice from an antique.