
Lota: A Must-Have for Every Hindu Home

Deepak Yadav 25 May, 2023

Lota is a versatile vessel that Hindus must have as it can be used in worshipping, celebrations, and functions. Bronze lota can be used as home decor to embellish the home's beauty.

Lota, a moulded vessel, has been part of the Indian heritage and culture. Indian heritage, significantly, Hindu culture is enriched with physical tools, materials, mental models, medicines, precautions, predictions and science. In Hindu culture, various things and devices have made human life easy, productive and efficient, be it a technique of yoga or Lota.

Lota is carved and moulded from materials like bronze, copper, brass, silver and steel into a vessel. The lotas have also evolved as initially, they used to be very heavy, elaborated and intricate motifs. This piece is highly versatile that can be used in functions and worship, so, lota(Kalash) is a very pious tool for Hindus. Apart from use in worshipping, you can also get a separate lota for daily chores like drinking and making beverages.


In this article, we will discuss the versatile use of lota in various fields.

History of the Lota

The evidence of the presence of lota is from the 2nd millennium B.C. chalcolithic period in India, especially in Savalda and Jorwe cultures. If we chronologically analyse the making of a lota, some consider it was manufactured during the Indus Valley civilisations, one of the world's earliest civilisations. First, Lota was considerably made up of clay or terracotta; when humans were evolving, there was a surge in Lota manufacturing with brass, bronze, copper, iron and various other metals.

These pieces used to have elaborate motifs and were considerably heavyweight than today’s Lota. They were also used in various yogic practices, yag archana and poojas, as a prominent member, where there would be no pooja without them.

Apart from glorious history, as an Indian, anybody can put out a word like they have seen Lota in the hands of their ancestors, be it grandfathers or grandmothers using Lota in their daily chores. Nowadays, you can still find Lota in various households, worship, and functions.

The Lota in Hindu culture

Lota (also known as Kalash) and Hinduism are incomplete without each other; any ritual and practice require Lota to carry out a certain task and performance. Let's talk about the Vedic period and ancient India. Yagya usually consists of worship and chants around an altar covered with flowers, fruits and other auspicious ingredients, and here Lota plays a significant part in the initiation and culmination of Yagya.

In the case of Hindu marriages, Brass or copper Lota (Kalash) are used in most of the stages of the wedding. Copper Lota is used to pour and sprinkle water on the bride and groom as a sign of purity and piousness. Apart from that, though, there are several ways and worship where Lota is used, but one most popular ritual where Lota is used is when Bride enters the groom’s house for the first time, Lota filled with rice is kept at the entry to be touched with bride's feet as a sign of blessing and well-being.

Bronze Lota is also used in Hindu worship; they can be used to store water, and during rituals, water is sprinkled on the feet of deities while worshipping.

Overall, Lota is also considered a symbol of holy purification, blessing and prosperity while being a pious entity in Hindu rituals.



Benefits of using a Lota

Though Modernisation and automation have taken over the world, so have the way people use daily products and habits. Yet Lota may be beneficial in this modern world; here is a list of benefits of using Lota.

These are certain benefits of Lota, making them an excellent member of home decor items, puja, marriages and other rituals.

Care and Maintenance of a Lota

Though Lota is a rough and tough kitchenware that can be used freely but if you leave it unattended for a longer period, that will add to the accumulation of dust, debris and pollutants.

Here are specific ways to avoid the accumulation of debris and pollutants.

By following this simple step, you can help maintain Lota's shine, texture and life.

Where to buy a lota

If you are searching to buy Lota at a reasonable price without any hassle, you can jump onto the online portal of IndianShelf. Our exclusive range of Lota and different motifs will fulfil your needs. Check out our website for further clarification.

For Further Reading : Benefits of Drinking Water from Indian Matka

Overall, Lota is highly auspicious and utilitarian kitchenware that can be used in pooja, marriage, and worship while being a part of a home decor item.